Color Lines | Teen Ink

Color Lines

November 1, 2013
By TheOriginal1 BRONZE, El Dorado, Arkansas
TheOriginal1 BRONZE, El Dorado, Arkansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Man Is A Universe Within Himself"-Bob Marley

Transparent barriers yet still strong as steel
Binding the minds of young ones fiercer than chains ever could
Wild winds of ignorance whipping around weak souls
Consumed by age old adages of one’s greater dominance

Who should shepherd the innocent into open minded education?
It’s no simple feat reading between the color lines

What is the definition of a superior skin tone?
Who is to define the majority of intelligence?
Are we too far blinded to realize our equal self-worth?
Or are we too defiant to notice that we all bleed the same?

You tell me how to kill racial illiteracy
It’s not that easy reading between the color lines

Entering a new year with every 365 days
Yet the further we progress those lines are still as bold
When youth of all colors are wiped away clean
Like the soil from the countertop due to pity discrepancies

Are you and I forever to remain blinded by inequality?
Or do you just refuse to read between the color lines?

The author's comments:
Writing this poem, I thought of all the occurrences I encountered with discrimination and racial ignorance. I sincerely hope that someone somewhere can read this piece and realize that the energy put into acting discriminatory and hateful to someone of a different race is irrelevant and worthless.

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