Seemed Like Facing It | Teen Ink

Seemed Like Facing It

November 5, 2013
By ToriErgott SILVER, Piedmont, South Carolina
ToriErgott SILVER, Piedmont, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be the change you want to see in the world.

Seemed like facing it

The old war veteran sat strong in front of the room.

Saying his last goodbyes to everyone he once knew.

A bead of sweat drips from his chin.

It’s hot, there’s no air conditioning.

He starts to feel dirt around his feet

And his eyes get watery and blurry from the tears starting to roll down his face.
He closes his eyes and then opens them.

He’s not in the front of the room anymore.

He sees his friend on the far side of the field.

Tries to run to him like a hungry lion.

He realizes this is it; this is where the mistake happens.

The dirt that was around his feet was old nasty red mud.

He suddenly can’t move he looks up and his friend is gone.

When the veterans were being brought back home,

He had to face it.

He’s wakes up and he’s in the same room again.

He looks up, his face soaked in salty tears.

He says goodbye to his friend and walks proudly out the room.

Seemed like facing it.

The author's comments:
For my Grandfather

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