And Again | Teen Ink

And Again

November 5, 2013
By M.L.Quincy BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
M.L.Quincy BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." --Ernest Hemingway

You drop to your knees. The rain is pouring down around you, splattering, splashing. Lightning flashes across the sky.

You are alone, completely alone.

And that is the problem.

You fall forward, and your palms hit the ground and sink into the mud. Your eyes are wet, but unlike the rest of your body, they are wet with water that tastes of salt.

You are in a forest somewhere, somewhere that you don't know. Somehow, you can't help but remember having been here before, years and years and years ago.

Several hundred years, in fact.

It was a time when, however shattered your life might have seemed, you knew who you were.

You had been in love, but had never gotten the chance to admit it.

And there is no way you're able to admit it now, being what you are.

It has been several hundred years. Yet, you are still completely in love with one guy.

And he's gone.

The author's comments:
A girl who is meant to save herself as an eternal maiden, is still in love with the guy who had died hundreds of years before.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 8 2013 at 12:16 pm
BeautylovesBeast SILVER, N. Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them

oh wow great peom I really liked it, I think it had very vivid descriptions.