Just Through the Clearing | Teen Ink

Just Through the Clearing

November 6, 2013
By m.rain GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
m.rain GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Carpe diem~(Latin for 'seize the day.')

Tick tock, tick tock,
Time is disapearing.
But do not worry and do not stop,
Forever is just through the clearing.

Over branches, around trees,
Tripping, falling, scraping knees,
Tick tock, tick tock
Time is disapearing.

Somedays times seems both slow and fast,
And Somedays things don't really last,
But do not worry and do not stop,
Forever is just through the clearing.

Days, weeks, months, years,
Aging older, growing fear,
Tick tock, tick tock
Time is disapearing.

Friends and family slowly change,
Nothing ever stays the same,
But do not worry and do not stop,
Forever is just through the clearing.

Life moves past. Quickly, quicker,
Bubbling, moving like a rushing.
Tick tock, tick tock,
Time is disapearing.

Morning comes, noon then night,
Not really noticing while time takes flight,
But do not worry and do not stop,
Forever is just through the clearing.

Running, falling, getting up again,
Wanting the uncertainty to end.
Tick tock, tick tock,
Time is disapearing.

Forever is just beyond the hill,
But you suddenly have the urge to stand still.
Do not worry, and do not stop,
Forever is just through the clearing.

Finally coming back to your senses,
You run forward, jump the fence and...
Tick tock, tick tock,
Time is disapearing.

You rush forwards, towards the gate,
Standing open, leading to fate,
So do not worry and do not stop,
Forever is rapidly nearing.

Tick tock, tick tock,
Slowing, stopping goes the clock.
So please don't worry and take your time,
Forever has finally arrived.

The author's comments:
It's not that fun to think about death and dying,
So I wrote this so that people could try to look at it in a different light, a different perspective.
So that they could see it's not so much an ending as it is a beginning of something different.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 10 2013 at 10:52 pm
411Ellie PLATINUM, Fridley, Minnesota
41 articles 28 photos 235 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Paper is more patient than people." –Anne Frank

I love it! "Forever is just through the clearing,"...what an ingenious phrase!