The sands of Time | Teen Ink

The sands of Time

November 3, 2013
By JonathanEpiscopo BRONZE, Tuckerton, New Jersey
JonathanEpiscopo BRONZE, Tuckerton, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can tune a piano, but you can't tune a tuna"

Life is too short
Time ticks by so fast
relationships come and go
None of which withstand the sands of time
We crumble in the hands of father time
People so conceited
So self absorbed
lose precious time
Trapped in an endless time warp
No were to go
No one to see
Countless generations slide by my eyes
Yet my soul stays forever young
But in the end....
All we are is dust in the wind

The author's comments:
Time is an essential part of life, we constantly find ourselves wasting that time, and this is what inspired me to write this. Cherish the time you have on this earth, and make the most of it.

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