Deep In The Forest | Teen Ink

Deep In The Forest

November 6, 2013
By nick howard BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
nick howard BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

As the wind blows
Through the trees, the eclipse covers the moon
In the forest the wind whispers to the bold screech of the creatures that lurk within
As if they are communicating, with each other that no one else can hear with their ears
But as time passed, it seemed as the animals that once made the sound of the forest were dying off
As for the trees, they stand strong as the storms blow in as the anger of the wind
Ripping the leaves off the tree limbs for punishment for the mystical
Reasoning of the animals dying off
An as the trees mourn
For their
Fallen leaves
The darkness
Falls upon
The forest
In the end
Of time for
The forest
For that in the next morning the forest that once was will be no longer

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