“We are vibrant” | Teen Ink

“We are vibrant”

November 12, 2013
By clayton23 BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
clayton23 BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are out going
Our loud voice are microphones
Everyone can hear us
And we get on people nerves

We are out going
We love to be the center of attention
There are a few of us

We are out going
We help others
Like AAA helps people with their cars
We have no problem stepping up

We are out going
We like to talk a lot
We don’t like to be told what do
Others say we are very talkative

We are out going
Cocky class clowns can cause craziness
We like to make everyone laugh

We are out going
Maybe we can be loud and annoying
But we will always stick out
And be ready to fight the world of people

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