Hit... | Teen Ink


November 8, 2013
By MariaMenendez GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
MariaMenendez GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 4 comments

You talk to me and tell me of the stupid things he does
He hits you and abuses you leaving marks all on your face
But you hang around until another day
I just wish you’d let me put him in his place

Let me chase him down and beat him
The same way he does to you
Let me catch him with his defense down
And make up for all the harm he’s done to you

I can’t stand to hear your voice crack
Whenever you talk of the pain
Everyday it’s the same old story
And it’s driving me insane

Let me hunt him down and tear him limb for limb
Inflict the pain only on him
I don’t care if I end up cuffed and locked up
Just to break his malevolent, unsuspecting grin

I want to become your peace of mind
If only you let me show you all the care I have for you
But you hang your head and walk away
And keep me worried about the next guy that will have you

You need to understand that I don’t want to be an intruder
I need you to know that I just love to see your smile
You need to understand that no matter what the situation
I’ll be by your side to protect you all the while

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