Conformity | Teen Ink


November 11, 2013
By Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are foot prints on the moon"

Why do we love someone after the first kiss?
you barely know em', and it wasn't even that good
why do we laugh at this we don't get, don't you dare act like you understood!
Why do we look in the car beside us at a stop light?
Stare at em', judge em'.
Come on man, lookin' in someone else's truck; that just aint right.
Why do we sign casts?
Not for support, not gonna magically heal.
It's just graffiti on an arm. It ain’t gonna last.
Why do we act sicker than we really are?
Motherly love? story to tell? Come on girl,
It’s not like you got feathered and tarred.
Why do we say stay to inanimate objects?
Stay, don’t move, don’t touch, come back, don’t fall, don’t do that, no not again, I love you
Humans are not crazy? I object.
Boom, bang, bump goes things in the night
We automatically think it's a ghost or a killer.
Come on guys. Just suck it up and hold on tight.
Why do we feel self-conscious when urinating in a public bathroom?
Come on ladies, it will be faster if you just go.
No need to act like a witch and hop on your broom.
YOLO! Is what the crowd says these days
Is this a term of freedom? Who knows?
The teenage mind is such a maze.
We dress to impress and we, as teenagers, must act like they act.
No excuses, none what-so-ever
Unless you want to be under attack.
Speaking of em', what's up with teenagers these days?
They're smokin' and druggin' and hatin' on me.
Hatin’ on me
They hate on everybody,
I'm sure you know this.
Their talk is their walk and their walk is their talk.
Can’t you just stand up?
Be the man, the woman, the hero to all?
Conformity is not good.
Can you stop it?
Be yourself and don’t let anyone put you down?
Put yourself up out there, into this place we call home.
Stand up and stand out.?
Show em' boy. show em' girl. Show em' show em' show em'

The author's comments:
My strive to end conformity made me write this piece. it starts off rhyming, yes, but this is because a conformists poems will rhyme. I then stepped away from that as I realized my answer to why.

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