Finding Meaning | Teen Ink

Finding Meaning

November 14, 2013
By KaylaE. BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
KaylaE. BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't want to be defined by my name,
I want to put meaning to my name and define it myself.
If I let others define my name,
It would probably mean fat or ugly or lazy,
Like I've heard so many people call me.
But if I believe them,
Then I'm letting them win,
Then I'm letting them define me and my name,
Because you become what you believe.
I have to believe in myself,
Become the person that I wan't to be,
Not the person that others tell me that I am.
The problem is,
That is hard right now.
I have no idea who I really am,
So the meaning of my name,
the meaning of me is currently lost,
But once I find myself,
I will find the meaning of my name,
Because when there is no meaning to your name,
How can you know who you are?

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