Taylor I'm So Sorry | Teen Ink

Taylor I'm So Sorry

November 16, 2013
By AmberBar BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
AmberBar BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a big head and little arms" ~ Meet the Robinsons~

Taylor you are my best bud
Although the times you are going through are tough
But I'll still love you through the thick and the rough
The rough and the thick that's all this is
And though you are sad just know that I do understand I know how I feels to loose someone you love so dear and I would never wish that upon my best friend. So here I am spilling my heart out to you and I know you love me more than I do you but you'll cry you'll ask why but I'll always be there at your side no matter what you say and no matter what you do you could never keep me away from you.

The author's comments:
My best friend Taylor's cousin just died on November 14, 2013 because of a drug overdose

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