How Do You? | Teen Ink

How Do You?

November 20, 2013
By Beatrixz SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Beatrixz SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sing from your heart, Write what's in it."

How do you stop runnin into the same wall? How do you change your direction on a dead end street? How do u move past the past if no one seems to believe in you? How do you change your ways after so many mistakes? How do you stop blaming yourself when you know it's your fault? How do you take 2 steps forward without taking 4 steps back? How do you keep from letting your emotions get the best of you? How do you focus on the good things you have when the bad is so many? How do you tell how you feel without it sounding like an excuse? How can you get someone to trust you if they only remember the bad you've done? How can you push yourself to do right when the people around you expect you to do wrong? How do you feel sooo weak and act so strong?

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