Virgo & Aries | Teen Ink

Virgo & Aries

November 20, 2013
By HarleyQuinn16 PLATINUM, Dacatur, Illinois
HarleyQuinn16 PLATINUM, Dacatur, Illinois
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A poet judges not as a judge judges, but as the sun falls around a helpless thing." -Walt Whitman

She is the calm to his chaotic storm.
He is the ambition behind her creativity .
She is earth, the stable ground that keeps him level.
He is fire, the beautiful mystery that keeps her on her toes.
She guides his reckless youth.
He sparks her bright ideas.
She consumes the fiery passion he exudes with every breathe.
He absorbs the wonderful intelligence she tries to hide.
She is understated, thoughtful.
He is energetic, restless.
She is loving Virgo.
He is passionate Aries.

The author's comments:
I'm a Virgo- he's an Aries. We compliment each other so nicely. Learning from each other, keeping each other fascinated so easily. It's lovely.

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