I can see it | Teen Ink

I can see it

November 20, 2013
By Nowyouseeme BRONZE, Easely, South Carolina
Nowyouseeme BRONZE, Easely, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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There's no such thing as a good day, only days when the world gives you a break.

I know that it’s there,
They try to tell me it’s not.
But they’re wrong,
Because I can see it all.

I see the monsters people try to cover up,
Ignoring that they’re there,
And pretending that they don’t have one.
A greedy one attaching itself to a prep
Who strives to make everyone feel below her.
One that’s filled with lust on a school bully
Who only wants to make everyone Miserable.
Another that embodies sloth clinging lazily
To the fool in the middle of the classroom
Calling everyone ‘gay’ for wanting to learn.
And there are many more that I can name.

And I have my own,
Several in fact
That exist because of what the others did.
Anxiety whispering things in my ear,
Telling me that I should just give up.
Depression resting its heavy self on my back
Causing me pain and misery.
Rage sitting on my head,
Ordering me to make them all pay.
And underneath it all
Is the girl who sees the monsters
Everyone denies.

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