The Music | Teen Ink

The Music

November 24, 2013
By Katie96 BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
Katie96 BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return."

As i sit and listen to the music
i become one with the beat.
it moves me
and creates a calmness within me that only the music brings
i feel at peace with the art
the chill the music gives
rushing through my body
it feels like there is a certain
spell cast over one when the play button is pushed
all the rest of the world stops
the music takes over me
and a strange contentedness sinks in
music calms me
soothes me from the outside pain
music is another life
a life that is easy to get along with
music is a friend
a friend you can always get along with
music is many souls
music is...
certain happiness

The author's comments:
I love music.

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