Life or Death? | Teen Ink

Life or Death?

December 1, 2013
By SeaShellart GOLD, Merrill, Wisconsin
SeaShellart GOLD, Merrill, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The things that hurt us always in the end give us two choices
To live through it and become stronger
To grieve and die because you think you can’t live any more
But before you choose
Let me tell you
That I will always love you
For better or for worse
When you need a hug, I am here waiting
When you need encouragement, I am here waiting
When you need help, I am there to lend a hand
So before you choose, will you stop and think….
Is there anyone who loves me the slightest?
If I die, whose life might I cause to end like mine?
And please let me tell you,
Don’t die for I will love you forever and you dying might end mine like yours

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