But If Your Love Grows Frigid | Teen Ink

But If Your Love Grows Frigid

December 1, 2013
By Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When writing the story of your life, do not allow anyone else to hold the pen"

Don’t leave me like the others,
Don’t save me like others,
I am my own,
Yet I must know you are there.

Don’t hurt me like the others,
Don’t pity me like the others,
I won’t care if you don’t,
And I need to be given space.

You seem different,
So please don’t end up the same.
Don’t cause me pain,
Yet don’t drown me in your compassion.

I can already tell you’re an individual,
Something I definitely will appreciate,
But if your love grows frigid and turns into hate,
I will never promise that I won’t leave you, hurt you, and cause you pain.
But as much as I may not want to, I will still save you, pity you, and care for you all the same.

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