Coffee | Teen Ink


December 1, 2013
By peacelovesoul BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
peacelovesoul BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Filled to the brim, complimented with milk and sugar, your presence does not hold a singular meaning
Comforting, rejuvenating, and to some, a means to study what school is teaching
Your rich smell travels under my bedroom door and entreats me out of bed
The trickling sound of the very beginnings of making form a tune in my head
Your signature brown color is kissed by the steam that is pressed upward towards heaven
I can have you any which way that I prefer no matter if the teaspoons of sugar reach seven or eleven
You accompany me in the morning and throughout long nights of study
I think it is safe to say that you are my buddy
Cakes, pies, scones, bagels, and bread
The list goes on to the extent that I can be fed
You spread throughout my body and revive new life in me
Awakened and refreshed, I can now stand at an angle of ninety degrees
What would life be like without you?
Certainly blue
You are needed and wanted by many
Certainly worth much more than a penny
You set my mood and the tone of day
I expect to drink some more you today

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the thing that wakes me up in the morning.

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