good and evil... :) | Teen Ink

good and evil... :)

December 8, 2013
By Sameeksha BRONZE, Jaipur, Other
Sameeksha BRONZE, Jaipur, Other
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Nothing is in ours hands, nothing belongs to us, still we earn so much in our lives, so why to crave for that left one. :)

As the sun starts to take a rebirth in the dark sky,
Its rays start to flicker through my window,
The bird, they are breaking the immense thick silence of the night now,
I can feel this dawn, I can feel this life.
The dark is passed and what is over is its darkness.
The morning's chilly winds make me realise of this new days's birth.
I can feel the evil ending again, I can feel its defeat by the good.
My eyes are wide awaken now,filling itself by the beauty of this dawn,till its core.
Owl has gone to sleep,human is going to awake,
But still their destinies remain the same,
To live, to eat ,to sleep.
The owl cannot make him sleep at night,
it does not trust the dark evil.
The human cannot sleep in day,
He is filling himself, with the EVIL.
I know this defeat is not long,
Not soo long,to end the devil inside,
The evil will return again while twilight.
To kill it,the dawn is just a medium,
To kill it,the human is the only weapon.
Each and every person has their own weapon,has their own companion,
Who is able to, who can defeat and can silence the demons in one's soul,
and who can make the good dance again in its victory, this time not only in dawn.
The saviour of one's soul will come,
At the right time,when it will be drowning deep inside the devil,
The saviour of one's self will come,
To conqure it again from the evil.
And it will die in solace along with its darkness,
And the good will live thousand more years along with its true sense.
That human will then, need no dawn to protect his soul again,
He will be himself dancing with it in the night sky.
I will feel the essence, essence of life, which is true,
I will feel the life, life which is TRUE! :)

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