My Falling | Teen Ink

My Falling

December 8, 2013
By rosefaery SILVER, New Milford, Connecticut
rosefaery SILVER, New Milford, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have measured out my life in coffee-spoons (Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T. S. Eliot)

They say you fall in love
Like you fall in sleep:
And then suddenly.
Such was not the case
In my falling.
I fell for you like
Decided to exact revenge
On a mockingbird
And take away its wings.
I fell for you like
A skywriter making
A grammatical error;
Like a test
You forgot you had;
Like a door
You just remembered
You left unlocked.
I fell for you
The way I fell from grace:
Stomach to the floor
Lungs to the throat
“Oh Christ,
I’m in trouble now.”

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