Their fake consideration doesn't fool my eye | Teen Ink

Their fake consideration doesn't fool my eye

November 27, 2013
By Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When writing the story of your life, do not allow anyone else to hold the pen"

Their eyes view me with useless pity,
I see them with such respect.
Their mouths shout “what’s wrong”
And I want to reply “What do you expect?”

They’re looking for that answer,
The one they want to hear.
They’re surely getting their hopes up,
What would they think if I told them “I want to disappear?”

They would stand there surprised and confused,
And their curiosity would rise.
But I would stand with a small smirk,
And my only explanation would be full of lies.

After the long silence that would probably go by,
One of them would finally ask a selfish question,
But no I wouldn’t respond,
The only offer of an answer I would have is my honest despondent expression.

But all that is just a wonder,
Who truly knows what they all would think if I didn’t hide it.
So there we still stand, awaiting my response,
“Your lighted hearts could never handle my ever so dark reflection,” I admit.

The author's comments:
Just wanted to try something knew. Would love some feedback!:)

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