Giving up. | Teen Ink

Giving up.

December 6, 2013
By Anonymous

I see all of this. I see all of what I belong too. I see the pictures in my head, but they never make any sense. The rain is falling down, and I can't make it stop. It fills me.... It makes me me. I can't stop that. So why do you? Why do you fight what is not yours to fight? Destiny, my friend, will fight it for you. Sit back. It's a road, a road of surprise. Let it carry you, like the river of life. You have nothing, if you don't let your own path take you where you need to go. So, take the chance, and let it flow over you. Make a wise choice. YOu just give up? Take another step.

The author's comments:
This peice is because I have a friend, who never seems to get anywhere in his life. I think that he needs to make better choices. He's making it so hard for himself.

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