The Shy Kid | Teen Ink

The Shy Kid

December 10, 2013
By Cameron Pouliot BRONZE, Johnston, Rhode Island
Cameron Pouliot BRONZE, Johnston, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In every school there is an awkward kid.

You’ll see him away from the crowds.

But he wants to be off the grid.

Like the sun in a sky with no clouds.
He doesn’t raise his hand.

He doesn’t want to get it wrong.

He never wants to stand.

He feels he doesn’t belong.
When he is picked to talk he’ll freeze,

getting put on the spot is his worst nightmare.

Other kids think it’s a breeze,

but the shy kid thinks its warfare.
He can’t wait for school to end,

so he can go home and be alone.

All he wants is an understanding friend,

but then, he thinks, it’ll have to be a clone.

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