Can You Tell Me...? | Teen Ink

Can You Tell Me...?

December 4, 2013
By Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Mcookis SILVER, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When writing the story of your life, do not allow anyone else to hold the pen"

Can you tell me what happened to us?
What caused you to walk away?
Can you tell me where I was when you left?
Where was I when you no longer were by my side?
Can you tell my when you made the decision,
When you didn’t tell me there was something wrong?
Can you tell me why I made you walk away?
Why I never knew I was doing something wrong?

But no, you can’t answer my questions,
For it’s much too late. ‘
While you continue to walk through heaven,
Ill be waiting at the gate.
Soon the path will appear,
And ill finally start to walk to the cell,
The one that has my name printed on it,
Also known as the beautiful place called hell.

The author's comments:
I recently lost a great friend, but after watching her walk away, im not so sure she was a "great" friend in the first place.

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