~*~ Love ~*~ | Teen Ink

~*~ Love ~*~

December 14, 2013
By Jake Bursk BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Jake Bursk BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a field,
full of wildflowers,
different colors,
blue, yellow, red, purple, white,
all tilting slightly,
as the warm summer breeze flows by.
The sky changing into magnificent shades of red, purple, and orange, as the sun sets,
Then, there is you,
sitting in the field,
having a picnic with your lover,
on a plaid blanket,
next to a small stream.
The water trickling swiftly with clear perfection,
and as the night grows colder,
you chase each other,
through the field with the flowers,
and shortly after,
sitting on the blanket together,
as the stars begin to appear,
in the now dark sky,
with the moonlight illuminating your faces.
And as you begin to fall asleep,
one word crosses your mind,
one feeling,
the emotion we all crave,

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because of all my family and friends who are the best and coolest people in the world. I love them so much and I also wanted to thank them for all they have done for me.

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