Flash | Teen Ink


December 14, 2013
By a8white BRONZE, Shaker Heights, Ohio
a8white BRONZE, Shaker Heights, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crrrrack goes the glass as it smashes to the floor tossed so carelessly that we shouldn’t even be disturbed
Bang goes the gun as it fires without warning with a puff and a flash as the person across
Murmur go the men as they decide what to do and their council can do “justice” but can’t stop the widow’s tears
Shuffle go the feet at the victim’s funeral with the eulogies and cries and the camera recording
Tragedy they say on the news in the town as the funeral goes viral, example to us all
Of just why this legislation should be passed,
says the stern politician
who means well
Nothing makes a sound at the local cemetery ’cause the man’s already dead—you’re too late, bud.

The author's comments:
More deadly shootings have occurred in America over just the past year than I can count. Enough it enough.

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