A Game of Life | Teen Ink

A Game of Life

December 18, 2013
By Monique Colorow BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Monique Colorow BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Please help me now
I am going to pass out,
No need to shout
I just need help
HELP! from the boredom of my life

Pass me a knife
To cut me away from my ordinary
Welcome to the afterlife

My eyelids are becoming droopy
I’m getting pretty loopy
I see the world as a cartoon
Call it snoopy

Are you calling me?
I falling into a dream
I reach out for help
I landed in a sea of kelp
I need help
There is no way out

I began fly high
Higher than the sky
To space I go
I don't want to go home
I feel so alone
Knifes in my back

A floating pouch
With my memories back then
A life of struggle and pain
I, suffer from the game
The game of life

The author's comments:
I was in class and I felt as if I was not the same. We were applying to college and I was just thinking of the future and what it holds for me.

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