The Sun and the Snow | Teen Ink

The Sun and the Snow

December 23, 2013
By thefaceinouterspace BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
thefaceinouterspace BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder'

I met a girl,
She didn't seem like one one who could ever mean the world,
She swore the sun only set to make her feel colder,
And time only past to make her grow older.
She saw no beauty in the fall of the night,
The colors meant nothing and nor did the light,

She saw the stars as nothing but a reminder that her sun was not here,

And to her,
the moon was only the thief of her sun's bright and beauty.

She heard no music in the rhythm-less tunes that the birds would sing
But the wind whistled along anyway
Hoping she'd find beauty in the script of natures song
She found the world as an empty place
Where she was only a flaw on an otherwise perfect face
She found no magic in the winter
Only bare trees and cold
She saw her empty hands as a reminder that she no longer had his hand to hold

And if I could change these feelings
Like the wind changes direction
She would find warmth and happiness in things other than the simple act of his affection
If she could only look to the sky above
And find beauty in the light to forget the absence of his love
So she could smile for a moment
So the cold air wouldn't just be a component of her sadness
So she wouldnt cry when the wonderland began falling from her sky
She'd be thankful that it was winter snow and not the summer rain that washed her sun away
She'd see the white as it blanketed her piece of the world
And landed on the branches and the wind would shake the shivering trees
But the snow remained unshakable
Like it was in its it place
And when she finally did find beauty in the cold and wintry state
And she thought she no longer needed love, only snow, to ease the pain
Her beloved sun came to melt her happiness away

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