choices | Teen Ink


December 20, 2013
By ashleigh277 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
ashleigh277 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pain is traveling through my body
Not knowing if I should be alive or dead
I hate myself for thinking this but I have no choice

I'm sad
I have pain i cant escape
Its pain I cant explain
I hear voices telling me to stop
But what choice do I have

The rumbling of the thunder at night keep me awake and scared
But its not storming
The constant things I have to go over
I cannot bare
I wanna see my life in bright eyes and
Have the secret of serenity
But I have no choice

Momma come and save me I cannot bare
I'm lost sad and confused
Why is this world so big?
So many problems I cannot fix

Love can heal but only for a couple of days
My pain returns and says hey
Although my happiness goes on throughout the day
I go home and the pain awaits
I cry I cry
But I don’t want to any more
But I have no choice

I'm never going to leave this world
I know I have a place here
When my time comes I shall say ‘im ready im ready, take away the pain
Because I HAVE A CHOICE!! :)

The author's comments:
from the heart!!

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