The Quest | Teen Ink

The Quest

December 20, 2013
By LondonMurray14 BRONZE, Ben Lomond,
LondonMurray14 BRONZE, Ben Lomond,
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do not observe yourself too much. Do not draw too hasty conclusions form what happens to you; let it simply happen to you.

A daughter of wisdom, a son of the sea
Cast long and dark to the depths of their dream.

A daughter of love, a son of the sky
Wiped clean of their mem'ries for peace when they die.

A daughter of riches, a son of the slain
Walk aimlessly across the putrid plain.

A son of the forge, alone in his quest,
makes fire of him--

'Tis time to rest

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