"Eye'll be Waiting" | Teen Ink

"Eye'll be Waiting"

January 5, 2014
By Rapscallion BRONZE, East Amherst, New York
Rapscallion BRONZE, East Amherst, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eye remember the days when you loved me,
Chasing a stick down the sandy beach amidst the wreckage
Debris littered all around us from the previous night’s raging storm

You lifted me onto your shoulders and we navigated the brokenness together
Eye’d never felt so happy as Eye did in those times, because your heart and mine were one. Eye knew…
Eye never had anything to fear.

The best times we shared outweighed your hardships,
Until the day that everything changed.
Separation scars,
still…Eye will wait for you.
My tail thumps hopefully at each passerby.
Eye know you would never leave me…Our love is an unbreakable bond.

Eye watched as you swept away shards of glass hidden beneath the sand.
You kept me safe. Everything Eye ever wanted was in your companionship
... Eye remain faithful

The storm brews overhead anyway… the worst is yet to come.
Still Eye won’t ever give up…Eye am waiting forever for you
Even as the pelting drops fall from heaven, no rain can wash away our friendship.
…Eye have hope

The sun came out after the wreckage on the beach that day
One cloud remained
Why aren’t you here now?

Eye suddenly feel quiet, but it is cool; it courses through my veins,
Rushes to engulf my heart.
It’s deadly, but nothing can wash away my love for you
…or end my heart’s eternal beating for you

The light streams in, but Eye won’t close my eyes.

…as Eye cross over to the other side, Eye want you to know,
…Eye’ll never leave you behind.
Eye’ll be waiting for you.

The author's comments:
This is a poem through the eyes of a shelter dog in his last days. The dog remembers the time he had with his human friend via a metaphor about the aftermath of a storm. Any 'I's' have been changed to forms of 'Eye.'

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