Let's call this Shame | Teen Ink

Let's call this Shame

January 7, 2014
By Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you haven't excepted a helping hand, you will never know how to give a helping hand.

This is my shame,
for which I am to blame.
I want to bleed,
to be freed.
to leave this behind
and to find
who I am meant to be.
Now I know to be me.
I understand now
that my shame was from how
I wanted to be who others wanted
and that's how I flaunted
I was an open casket
a lifeless, shameful, basket.
This is my warning
to save others from the same burning.
be who you are
and never stray far.
because shame will take you in its cold embrace.
and you will lose your true face.
don't let yourself die,
inside the endless lies.
my cuts run deep,
but I wont let myself sleep.
not yet, not when others can be saved.
now this road is paved.
I beg you to follow it,
because it's well lit.
I stand here in the darkness,
embracing those inside the cold caress.
begging you to not be claimed.
by what we call shame.

The author's comments:
This piece.. if it can even be called that. is just a simple jumble of thoughts, I always tried to be who others wanted. But it threw me into a deep depression. I always, wanted a way to help others be who they should be, and that's to be who they truly are. It's not very good at all, but I enjoy the passion in the words. At least the passion I attempted to put into them.

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