What It's Like Being A Teenager | Teen Ink

What It's Like Being A Teenager

January 7, 2014
By Daredevil56 BRONZE, Oak Park, Illinois
Daredevil56 BRONZE, Oak Park, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Either the U.S will destroy Ignorance or Ignorance will destroy the U.S.

It’s wanting to sleep till 1pm but having to up at 6am,
It’s wanting to make a connection but not knowing the right one,
It’s wanting to make friends not knowing how to choose the right ones,
It’s walking up and down stairs from 8am to 3:04pm,
It’s eight classes a day,
It’s changing for gym everyday,
Walking into gym smelling like roses but walking out smelling like a workout,
It’s crazy mood swings,
It’s love and hate,
It’s not knowing who you are or who you want to be,
It’s appreciating your parents but hating them at the same time,
It’s good days and bad days,
It’s smiles and frowns,
It’s laughing and crying,
It’s friends and enemies,
It’s backaches and late nights
It’s red eyes and headaches
It’s homework and finals
It’s sleep and week-ends
It’s blasting music till your ears bleed
It’s long weekends and breaks
It’s making bad decisions and paying the consequences
It’s hormones and crushes
It’s heartbreaks
It’s hope
It’s fun
It’s youth
It’s being a teenager

The author's comments:
This is my life and i feel like others can relate.

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