Illegal Orphan | Teen Ink

Illegal Orphan

January 16, 2014
By OneAndOnlySuperGirl SILVER, Mather, California
OneAndOnlySuperGirl SILVER, Mather, California
8 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You don't know what you have until it's gone."

In poverty,
My mother died in 3 days,
My father died in 4.

And now I am all alone.
It's time for me to cross
the border.

It seems I have to run,
Away from everyone,
Or else they will know
I am running to cross
the border.

USA, just an inch away,
Just a boat ride over,
Filled with 4-leaf clovers,
But first I have to cross
the border.

No one nows I am going,
No one knows I am rowing
to cross
the border.

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