The Shame Filled Voice | Teen Ink

The Shame Filled Voice

January 15, 2014
By Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
Freakyfrack SILVER, Murrieta, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you haven't excepted a helping hand, you will never know how to give a helping hand.

Can you hear the shame in my voice?
for that stupid choice..
I wish i could travel back in time.
back to my prime.
When I thought I was invincible.
Now because of that I want to be invisible..
I want to go back to those days,
where I could only go two ways,
and change my foolish choice.
To give myself the right voice,
to chase after the king,
instead of my sinful dream..
But then I wouldn't be who I be,
If I had made the choice to flee.
I wouldn't be able to help who I do,
So now I have to chase after what is true.
and try not to let my past rear its' ugly head..
Because if it does.. all the good things in my life.. would be dead.
Can you hear this shame..?
Only I am to blame..

The author's comments:
Wrote this when I was looking back on who i was before I became a christian. I did a lot of things that hurt people and myself. I think everyone wishes they can go back and change things in their life. I don't anymore, because if I changed the smallest of my stupid decisions it would effect my life greatly. So reflection is always interesting.

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