My life | Teen Ink

My life

January 15, 2014
By OneAndOnlySuperGirl SILVER, Mather, California
OneAndOnlySuperGirl SILVER, Mather, California
8 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You don't know what you have until it's gone."

Birth to Two
When I was little,
I played a little harp.
Plucking! Music!
My joy was in the water.
My favorite place
Was the sprinkler park.
Splashing! Crashing!
Never stood still.
Mousy, a tiny
But mighty dog,
Was my best bud.
She protected me when
I was a stick in the mud.
Barking. Howling.
Yipping. Yowling.
But hey, at least
She scared away the hats.
Every time the camera
Was on me, my eyes
Looking. Glancing.
Never stood still.
I was a hyper child,
Jumping! Dancing!
My parents thrill.
Never stood still.

Three to Five

Camera, Shmanera!
I never looked at it.
Focused like a madman!
We traveled everywhere, and
Everything caught my eye.
I was a fly.
From the toys–
Woody and Buzz,
To the seashell and starfish guy.
I couldn’t stay put,
And being a monkey still,
There was a BIGILLION
things to see!

Six to Eight

Amazed with nature?
I found a big diamond!
Great, only clear quartz.
Excited with fun?
Try sledding in the white snow!
Get snow in your face!
Shocked out of your air?
Fall off a cliff! (Don’t really)
Was not even hurt.
Entertained by monkeys?
Come see me danced!
With Raices de mi Tierra.
Blown away?
See an airshow!
Zooming! Soaring!
It is really loud.
Climb a tree!
With the wind in your face.
Amazed with nature?
I found a big diamond!
Great, only clear quartz

Nine to Eleven

It is time for the stage!
Draw the curtains. Flash the lights!
I danced
In Dia de la Familia.
Said hello
On Good Day Sac.
Swam around
In the Little Mermaid.
Wielded my wand
In Harry Potter.
Flew on a magic carpet
In Aladdin.
Walked on rainbows
In a fairy tale.
Cut the lights and packed the up the shop.
And closed the curtains.

Twelve to Fourteen

Opening my windows,
Seeing so many things.
There’s a park
With my pals.
They laugh like monkeys.
There is the red-brick school,
Sutter, my new one.
Big and shiny. Red, gray, black.
The I close my window,
Get back into bed.

I see my life flash before me,
But I am not dead.
Only remembering things.
I press fast forward on life’s remote.
I close my eyes,
And dream. Of rainbows and whatnot.
Look at my family,
Gaze at the stars, hmm, hmm.
Read a page or two.
There isn’t much to do.
So I settle with something new.

The author's comments:
Thought you should know.

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