In That Moment | Teen Ink

In That Moment

January 9, 2014
By Justine618 BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
Justine618 BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We accept the love we think we deserve

Have you ever felt that moment?

That moment when
Yesterday is a distant memory
And tomorrow is just a breath away?

Maybe it's the line of a favorite song
Crooning through the car radio

Maybe it's waking up in the morning
To the smell of pancakes
And padding into the kitchen
In your bare feet.

Maybe it's sharing a side splitting laugh
With your best friends
Over something so trivial
You can't believe how it could possibly be so funny
But it is.

Whatever brings on that moment,
It means something.

And in that moment
You have no worries.

In that moment,
It doesn't matter what the other kids think of you.

It doesn't matter that you're 16
And no boys asked you to the dance.

It doesn't matter that maybe things at home
Aren't going that great.

It doesn't matter that grades are bad
Or homework is due
Or anything.

All that matters are that you are here.

Living, breathing
And here.

You may be scarred
You may have had a tough journey
You may still be learning how to be the best you can be
But you've made it.

You have made it to that moment.

That happy, musical
Beautiful, thrilling,
Life- changing moment.

That moment where you feel like you could do anything.

Where you could sit on the waning crescent moon
And dip your toes into the pitch black sky
And float across the stars.

Where the future still seems miles away
And you have all the time in the world to be young.

That moment where you haven't a care in the world
And everything is ok.

And in that moment

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