A Night With You | Teen Ink

A Night With You

January 20, 2014
By convojo BRONZE, Millersburg, Pennsylvania
convojo BRONZE, Millersburg, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;"

I could feel our rib cages lock
Against each other.
I could feel our eyes grazing
On everything we knew.
I could feel your heavy soul
Whispering into mine.
I could feel safe

With lips that say
Yes, I had leukemia
And lips that say
Yes, I had MRSA
And ears that hear
Yes, you’re special
We kissed our special

We have hands that wander
Quite in the way our minds do,
And they play hide and seek
With the special parts
We’d never seen on each other
And it makes us both want

We sat up upon each other,
Wrapped up like gifts
That perhaps we’d been saving
For far too long,
We were high and I laughed,
And you smiled at me.
I’m not sure what it is
You see.

We woke up together
And fell asleep again.
But I noticed your fingers
Just upon my cheek
Brushing away a stranded hair
Before the darkness took me.
I had a thousand dreams
Of you.

You kissed me when we woke up.
You sat next to me among others
When we ate breakfast.
And you sat in another chair
To watch TV.
But before you left, you made sure



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