A Million Fake Friends | Teen Ink

A Million Fake Friends

January 23, 2014
By BellaBoo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
BellaBoo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Floating through life,
Never truly seeing,
What lies in reality.

Dreams flit through her mind,
Memories march through her brain,
She's stuck in a fantasy,
Too busy dreaming,
To realize what she has lost.

She has broken so many,
Crushed so many dreams,
Yet she does not see,
What crimes she has committed.

The dear old girl,
With a biting temper,
The poor old girl,
Who sits alone,
Even when she is surrounded by others.

She does not realize,
The hurt others feel,
Is often caused by her.

She's lost her humanity,
Her sight of what's real,
She is lost to the world,
Of love and loss.

All that is left,
Consists of lies and deception,
And a million fake friends.

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