Ships of Conflict | Teen Ink

Ships of Conflict

January 22, 2014
By edaj17 BRONZE, Boone, Iowa
edaj17 BRONZE, Boone, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ships of our relationship sail rocky seas of disappointment
Though, all the while, we are our own captain, directing the path in which we go.
The frost of our words share numb, biting impacts
yet we possess the heat with which to warm their taste.
We rely on trading winds to set our ships to sail,
yet the winds of control lie within ourselves.
The waves of anger serve as the paths to which we set sail,
guiding us in directions of impulsive chaos.
The sea of our emotions send us in direction of inauspicious guidance,
while although we could direct our ships toward seas of more favorable content,
we passively sit, passengers on our own ships of conflict.

The author's comments:
This piece just sort of came to me one night and it didn't have much of a pattern to it, but it's one of my favorite pieces that I've written.

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