My Love Is A Book | Teen Ink

My Love Is A Book

January 24, 2014
By themicroman BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
themicroman BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My love is a book.
My hands trembled and shook
As they turned your page,
And they savor the flavor of your chapters.

I want to read your story
Narrated for me;
Words of honey.
The funny
Thing is that you show and don't ask,
You tell and don't take
But I ache
To share what I think, with no mask.

Your words flow like a brook,
My Pulitzer book.
Your drawings draw me to you
And I love your every nook;
I think I may have mistook
Your metaphors for gold
Your similes are like rain
And your language never plain.
I love the legend that you've told
The adventures that you've seen
Where you've been
In your life
Tales of silk, they unfold.

How could I finish your story?!-
It shouldn't come to an end!
As my thumb sails through the sea,
My heart, it shudders and bends.
I literarily see
Lines that tied you to me
Of our love-
God above,
Let us be!

But yet I come to the close
Of your long admired prose
Resolution must set in
Other books have to begin.
You're not complete, my lonely book
I pray the Author writes another.
But till then, please take a look;
Do you see me through the cover?

The author's comments:
I had a dream with the line "I literarily see the lines that connect us", and it was sort of a portmanteau of 'literally' and 'literary'. I decided to write more of the poem. When I originally wrote it, I had wanted it to be more about a reader literally falling in love with a character in a book, but as I wrote it, it just became a plain old extended metaphor. I guess it still could be about someone falling in love with a book, but I doubt that would be the first inclination of someone who read this poem.

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