Repent and Change Your Ways | Teen Ink

Repent and Change Your Ways

January 13, 2014
By penguinzrkool245 SILVER, Trumbull, Connecticut
penguinzrkool245 SILVER, Trumbull, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You lobotomize them with razor sharp words and lies.
Leave them brainwashed and bleeding out on the cold tile floors.
You suffocate their hopes before they can take root
with phrases like “I’m sorry, you can do it, I love you.”
Words you never meant, said in passing drenched with insincerity.

These children are barely treading water.
Thrashing in the black ocean, desperate for something to hold on to,
a glimmer of solid truth that will save them from this night.
But everything falls apart, disintegrates with time
and they are left drowning, choking as water envelopes their being.

Nothing but a child in an overgrown body yourself
you spread ignorance and hate, tainting the innocent with your decaying touch.
You’ve created a miserable generation that mirrors your own,
ruled by fear, confusion, crippled by failure,
screaming for an omnipotent being, a god, anyone “save us.”

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