Outskirts of Nowhere | Teen Ink

Outskirts of Nowhere

January 13, 2014
By diffident BRONZE, El Monte, California
diffident BRONZE, El Monte, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To the outskirts of nowhere,
With a full tank of gas
Surrounding by flickering lights,
Our voices blended with each other's

We stop for a sunset
The stars wave hello
She sings Elton John
Her tears begin to fall
I would help if I knew how

This car is going nowhere,
She says
Just like this life of mine,
Every last piece
Yet still she sings on,
Her voice breaking at its seams
Her tears were the ocean,
Her laugh the wind
She is the knot I can't unravel,
The word I can't define
I told her so,
Her eyes fixed ahead
It seems as though, she says,
You are going nowhere too

Your smile is the sunshine,
Your scream a hurricane
You are the puzzle I can't solve,
The fear I can't control
She told me so,
My eyes fixed on hers
It seems as though, I say,
You are in love with me too

A girl without dreams,
A boy void of nightmares
Lost souls
In the outskirts of nowhere
With an empty tank of gas

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