Do You Remember Childhood | Teen Ink

Do You Remember Childhood

January 30, 2014
By Zakirah Razali SILVER, Kuching, Other
Zakirah Razali SILVER, Kuching, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do You Remember Childhood
Crawling across the floor
Trapped behind closed doors
Never wanting more

Do you remember childhood
Rolling through the grass
Excited for class
Watching time pass

Do you remember childhood
Pedaling on your bike
The boy you still like
Sad when the bell strikes

Do you remember childhood
Driving down the road
Those looks made with code
Your love always showed

Do you remember childhood
When he broke your heart
And it was just the start
You are no longer art

Do you remember childhood
When childhood was still there
And your heart wasn't bare
And people would care

Do you remember childhood?

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