What Would You Do | Teen Ink

What Would You Do

February 5, 2014
By rachelbrenner SILVER, Long Beach, New York
rachelbrenner SILVER, Long Beach, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What would you do if
women were bigger than you
women were more muscular than you
women believed they were more intelligent than you
thought they were better
What would you do if
your best friend came to you after getting beaten by his wife
deep scars and pathetic bruises
tragic swelling of his eye
due to the occasional punch in the face
What would you do if
you were expected to be a passive husband
cooking and cleaning
while your wife, aggressive and self-confident
made sure you knew you were weak
What would you do if
women judged every aspect of your physical makeup
before even considering approaching you in public
What would you do if
the good-looking woman at the bar
dropped a pill in your drink when you turned around
and took advantage of you
What would you do if
your household repairs were taken care of by a big woman
who would wipe her sweaty forehead with the dirty towel in her back pocket
while she spoke to you in a condescending manner
What would you do if
three scary women surrounded you
in an empty, dark parking lot
and the heels men are told look sexy
prevent you from running away fast enough
What would you do if
your boss seduced you
giving you no other choice
how could you say no?
you couldn't be fired
or you'd fall into the stereotype
of the simple-minded
emotionally fragile
stay at home dad
left to watch the kids
and cook your wife dinner
to sit cold on the counter for hours after
she promised she'd be home
she promised
what would you do then

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