I wasn't sorry | Teen Ink

I wasn't sorry

February 12, 2014
By BellaBoo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
BellaBoo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

I wasn't sorry,
When I yelled at you,
When I screamed,
And cried,
And accused you.

I wasn't sorry,
When I cussed you out,
And called you out on your mistakes.

I wasn't sorry,
When you followed my lead,
When you yelled,
And screamed,
Saying it was my fault.

I was only sorry,
When we stopped talking,
When I couldn't look you in the eye,
Because it hurt too much.

I was only sorry,
When I couldn't hear you,
Without wanting to cry.

I was only sorry,
When I had to make myself,
Stop crying,
At the sound of your name.

I don't regret the things that happened,
I regret what happened afterwards.

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