The Four Musketeers | Teen Ink

The Four Musketeers

February 12, 2014
By BellaBoo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
BellaBoo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

We whisper and nudge,
Secrets passing,
From one to us all,
A jest from one,
Pertaining a boy,
A giggle from all,
When we see a nod.

We look to one another,
A sparkle in our eyes,
These are the times,
We'll remember,
For the rest of our lives.

The others,
They shush us,
Call us "loud,"
But what else should we be?

It's called friendship forever,
Something very rarely found,
When a group sticks together,
And can still be loud,
When the thoughts of next year,
Haunt us despite the crowd.

Some of us will be leaving,
Moving on from the now,
But we know that,
Forever they will always be a part,
Of our circle of love,
And laughter and fun,
"The four musketeers,"
Together from the start.

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