My Purse | Teen Ink

My Purse

February 10, 2014
By MarandaR GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
MarandaR GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Purse, sparkley and pink,
ready for anything.

A Round Polka Dotted pouch,
prepared for any kind of bleeding.
Stocked with bandaids, tampons, and pads
of all shapes and sizes.

Triangle Polka Dotted pouch,
ready for other needs.
Pain releievers, eye drops, contacts,
floss, lotion galore.

A secret compartment,
full of one of my favorite things-
chapstick and lipgloss
for all my moments in need.

Last but not least,
something useful in all occasions,
a pen and many pencils,
don't forget the eraser!

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