The Blue Days p | Teen Ink

The Blue Days p

February 8, 2014
By Miguelpoetry55 BRONZE, New York, New York
Miguelpoetry55 BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no problem that last forever.

Blue inconsolable days where tires come to give sadness and more pain.

Blue days where the sorrow memories attact the humen mind. Gary days anguish the air we breathe

Blue days are the grief that overcomes us. Disaster we say when we cry in pain.

In this blue days the hummingbird sing to give us the only music in this sadness where the gray clouds are over our heads.

The author's comments:
I post this poem because I have being dealing with some tuff times this past year and this year 2014.

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