The Untold Story | Teen Ink

The Untold Story

February 9, 2014
By Julia Cornick BRONZE, Avondale Estates, Georgia
Julia Cornick BRONZE, Avondale Estates, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are a book that no one has read.
No one has looked past your cover
To see the plot twists
The nuances
That fill you to the brim.
People don’t give you a second glance
Stick you on the shelf and ignore you, assume you will always be there
When they have a few second to kill.
No one asks if you need help wiping off your layers of dust and hurtful words
And you push away my offers of tissues and kindness.
Your critics hurl harsh reviews.
Tear stained pages give you away.
I want to help
I want to remind you that there’s always a happy ending
But your story is out of control
The most talented author couldn't save you
So how can I?

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